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The Growth Coach®'s 7 keys to outstanding business performance
7 keys to stop being a prisoner to your business and start maximizing your business performance and growth:
- Quit fooling around and call yourself what you are: CEO. Then act like it: work ON, not in, your business. Invest more time in leading and developing business. Stop being just another employee doing the "technical" work of your company.
- Remember that your number one job is sales and growth. No one cares more about it than you, so don't ever try to get out of it - just focus on the larger deals as your company grows.
- Forget incremental growth - just because that's what your peers have been seeing doesn't mean that's right. You can either be like them (average) or like our clients (awesome). Leverage the power of marketing (and even acquisition) to achieve substantial, profitable growth.
- Become a better leader and hold others accountable. Get your company better as managing your employees, your greatest asset.
- Make your business system-centric, instead of owner-centric, by creating, documenting, measuring, and continuously improving all processes and policies. This is the key to successful delegation.
- Provide clarity for your company and your employees by creating and IMPLEMENTING a business plan.
- Learn to let go. Embrace your processes, metrics, and managers and DELEGATE. Then you can truly enjoy the fruits of your labor: your life, your relationships, and business ownership.
Click here for free resources and to learn more about how The Growth Coach®'s proven, guaranteed process can help you make the most of your business.
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