3 things to remember when life (and business) is rough

Today was an emotional day for me.

I hoisted my new “Don’t Give Up the Ship” flag under the U.S. flag on the flagpole in the front of my house.

After some difficult years our family has experienced –— both recently and long ago — I figured it was time to do something that would be an inspiration to us and to our visitors.

"Don’t Give Up the Ship" is a call that has great meaning to Naval Academy graduates. A replica of the flag flown by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry during his fleet’s victory at the Battle of Lake Erie is displayed over a case that lists the names of all of our alumni who were killed in action.

The last words of Capt. Lawrence, who lost his life on the U.S.S. Chesapeake while fighting H.M.S. Shannon outside Boston Harbor earlier that year, became a rally cry throughout the U.S. fleet in the War of 1812. The flag and the slogan continue to serve as an inspiration today.

Read the rest at The Business Journals. 

