Don’t be a like a pretty-boy weightlifter in business

For the umpteenth time today at the gym, a pretty-boy weightlifter left his weights on the bar when he finished. I guess he was waiting for his mom to come clean up after him.

In the event you avoid free weights like the plague, I’ll explain. A "pretty boy" is someone who looks good but is not a serious weightlifter.

One sign of a serious weightlifter: He racks his weights and cleans the equipment (if necessary) when he’s done.

In general, the serious lifter is way stronger than his pretty-boy counterpart and is generally better liked in the gym. Ultimately, the “pretty boy” is self-absorbed and not interested about the negative impact he has on others in the gym.

It’s the same way with sales people who give commissioned sales a bad name (e.g. the used car salesman, the timeshare salesman, etc.). They are so focused on just closing the deal that they neglect the experience that their prospect/customer is having.

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