What's Business Development, and do you need to do it?

For a long time, I never really understood the difference between business development (BD) and sales. I saw BD as sales with just a longer time to close. That's not untrue, but what I didn't realize back then was that BD is really the relationship-focused process to feed your sales funnel.

In many cases this BD function is performed via traditional marketing (ads, direct mail, etc.). If any part of your business can benefit from managing relationships - and I can't imagine there are too many cases where managing relationships wouldn't work wonders - you should have a formal BD process to help you make the most of all your relationships.

So, BD is the process of nurturing relationships with potential prospects, future prospects, referral sources, clients, and inactive clients to feed your sales pipeline (along with any other marketing approaches you use). As with anything valuable, it works best when you actually have a plan.

How are your sales? The last client I helped with this increased his by 25%. E-mail us or give us a call (202-640-1908) and let's get those numbers up for you.

Ingar Grev
